Ink Drawings
A little something I'm having fun with at the moment - using ink and feathers (Goose, Parrot or Cockatiel) to create portraits of people that I know and love. Using these natural tools, I'm attempting to be more open to however the ink wants to flow on the page. At the same time, I'm trying to keep the expression very central to each piece. It was daunting at first, not being able to 'undo' anything, but that's just part of the thrill and I've learned to love it.
All of the art shown here has been created using my own photography, primarily from gigs where the high energy levels are reflected in the faces of my sitters and the colours used.
Its nice to be able to create art just for fun sometimes, as opposed to comissiioned work. It allows much more freedom of expression, especially as there is no pressure to conform to anyone's expectations. The moral of the story? Be free, be experimental, be happy! As Bob Ross once said - "In art, we don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents".






Phaxi Coca


